The Impact of Augmented Reality Smart Glasses on Warehouse Worker Well-being

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Our latest publication in the A-Level journal Computers in Human Behaviour. of the workforce. 

Maastricht, January 25 2024 – We proudly share our latest publication in the A-Level journal Computers in Human Behaviour. It shows the unique value of bringing together the Marketing Section of the Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management with the Brightlands Institute for Supply Chain Innovation (BISCI).

Titled "Augmented Reality Smart Glasses in Warehouses: A Comprehensive Analysis of Worker Well-being," by Anne WIndhausen, Jonas Heller, Tim Hilken, Dominik Mahr, Roberta Di Palma and Lieven Quintens, this seminal paper discusses the role of the human factor and its implications on workers' well-being when using ARSGs. While previous studies predominantly focused on the performance benefits of ARSGs, this research adds a new perspective by exploring the impact on worker satisfaction and overall well-being.

The research includes two empirical studies at the DEXLAB that investigate the relationship between ARSG use and workers' well-being. The findings confirm earlier research that ARSGs significantly enhance order-picking efficiency by improving workers' speed and reducing error rates. Findings furthermore support that the use of ARSGs directly contributes to an increased perception of well-being among workers when compared to traditional support tools.

However, the study also challenges expectations, indicating that ARSG use doesn't universally result in higher job satisfaction or perceived productivity enhancements for all workers. The critical determinant in shaping these effects is technology savviness among workers. The study demonstrates that tech-savvy workers tend to benefit more from ARSG use, indicating the need for a nuanced approach to implementing technologies based on the workforce's individual needs and characteristics.

The ground-breaking research underscores the necessity of tailoring ARSG implementation to specific workforce requirements, emphasizing the importance of a thoughtful, context-sensitive approach. Professor Dominik Mahr, one of the authors of the paper, expressed excitement about the collaboration and the research outcomes, stating, "This collaboration between the Marketing Section and BISCI marks a milestone in understanding the holistic impact of ARSGs on warehouse operations. By exploring the human factor, we're better equipped to optimize technology use for improved worker well-being and overall efficiency."

The paper is set to reshape discussions around the implementation of ARSGs in warehouses and is expected to drive further research into tailoring technology to meet the unique needs of the workforce. For more information, please contact dr. Tim Hilken (